Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus efficitur risus vitae commodo mollis. Suspendisse tristique, sem sed pharetra consequat, risus nisl gravida leo, et accumsan nisl mi quis sapien. Maecenas ex justo, consectetur nec ipsum eget, ultrices ornare turpis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi et pellentesque justo. Suspendisse ac nisl quis enim condimentum maximus. Sed mattis ligula faucibus tortor hendrerit pellentesque. Sed eget ornare quam, a sodales enim.

Cras venenatis hendrerit lorem, viverra placerat massa euismod ac. Nunc vel tempor elit, ac vestibulum ipsum. Proin pretium nisl est, id ultrices sapien dictum a. Sed volutpat elementum placerat. Praesent neque odio, pellentesque lobortis aliquet et, fringilla non ligula. Ut feugiat, tortor eu efficitur fringilla, tellus sapien iaculis nulla, vel gravida purus libero in nisl. Donec faucibus odio eu suscipit placerat. Etiam mollis et ipsum eget accumsan. Integer congue elit quis magna commodo, eu elementum mi dictum. In odio ipsum, tempor id eros sollicitudin, elementum luctus risus.



    In a solemn protest, Christians stand side by side with other religious minorities, raising their voices against terrorism and persecution.

  • CROW


    Outside the Press Club, a couple endures harsh living conditions in a small tent, staging a relentless protest against the land grabbing that has cost them their home.



    A group in Karachi organizes underground techno parties, creating a space for young adults to connect through music, dance, and creative expression. With electronic beats, drums, and vibrant lights, these parties embrace the freedom of a subculture.



    In the heart of Lyari, a dedicated boxing coach channels his passion into training street children, offering them a path to rise above a life of violence and limited opportunity.



    Over the past decade, Lyari has transformed from a neighborhood gripped by gang violence, crime, and frequent police clashes into a vibrant community known for resilience and cultural pride.



    An estimated 5 million street children face harsh living conditions, vulnerable to exploitation, trafficking, and child labor. These children often work in dangerous jobs, from tobacco selling to sex work, surviving enduring poverty, addiction, and harassment.



    Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) is an influential Islamist organization with a complex history, marked by calls for "jihad" and fervent opposition to perceived Western influences, including the U.S. and India.



    At a vast Pentecostal healing event, a foreign team leads a crowd in powerful prayers and moving speeches, their voices rising with belief in divine miracles.